MARTINEZ P. 584 p, 16 x 24 cm, broché PARIS 2020 |
Akhénaton & Néfertiti. Trop près du soleil |
26.00 € Commander Réf : 18238 |
MASASHI F. 290 p, 20,5 x 29 cm, broché OXFORD 2020 |
The Festivals of Opet, the Valley, and the New Year. Their socio-religious functions. Archaeopress Egyptology 28 |
55.00 € Commander Réf : 18304 |
MASTROPAOLO S. 135 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2013 |
Lexique animalier égyptien. Les caprins, les ovins et les bovins. BAR International Series 2484 |
39.00 € Commander Réf : 15775 |
MATIC U. XIV, 390 p, 29 pl, 17,5 x 24,5 cm, relié WIESBADEN 2019 |
Body and Frames of War in New Kingdom Egypt. Violent Treatment of Enemies and Prisoners. Philippika 134 |
96.00 € Commander Réf : 18143 |
MATIC U. 176 p, 15,5 x 23,5 cm, broché LONDRES 2022 |
Violence and Gender in Ancient Egypt |
46.00 € Commander Réf : 18966 |
MATIC U. 82 p, 15 x 23 cm, broché CAMBRIDGE 2020 |
Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs. Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology. Cambridge Elements. Ancient Egyptian in Context |
24.00 € Commander Réf : 18586 |
MAZUREK L. 292 p, 17,8 x 25,5 cm, relié CAMBRIDGE 2022 |
Isis in a Global Empire : Greek Identity through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece |
95.00 € Commander Réf : 19265 |
McCORQUOLDALE K. 131 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2013 |
Representations of the Family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Women and marriage. BAR International Series 2513 |
62.00 € Commander Réf : 15880 |
McKECHNIE P., CROMWELL J. (Ed.) 247 p, 16 x 24 cm, relié LEIDEN 2018 |
Ptolemy I and the Transformation of Egypt, 404-282 BCE |
116.00 € Commander Réf : 17714 |
MCKNIGHT L. M. 135 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché + CD OXFORD 2010 |
Imaging Applied to Animal Mummification in Ancient Egypt. BAR International Series 2175 |
38.00 € Commander Réf : 14728 |
MEDINA SANCHEZ M. C. 313 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2019 |
Los ataúdes egipcios de Pairusejer y de Ruru del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid. Análisis de sus materiales y estado de conservación . BAR International Series 2940 |
99.00 € Commander Réf : 18617 |
MEFFRE R. 470 p, 21 x 28 cm, broché PARIS 2015 |
D'Héracleopolis à Hermopolis. La Moyenne Egypte durant la Troisième Période intermédiaire (XXIe-XXIVe dynasties) |
59.00 € Commander Réf : 16606 |
MEHREZ S. 406 p, 24 x 32 cm, relié LE CAIRE 2023 |
Costumes of Egypt. The Lost of Legacies. I: Dresses of the Nile Valley and its Oasesx |
75.00 € Commander Réf : 19211 |
MEKIS T. 362 p, 36 pl, 20,5 x 29 cm, broché OXFORD 2020 |
The Hypocephalus: an Ancient Egyptian Funerary Amulet. Archaeopress Egyptology 25 |
74.00 € Commander Réf : 18137 |
MENDOZA B. 402 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2008 |
Bronze Priests of Ancient Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to the Graeco-Roman Period. BAR International Series 1866 |
89.00 € Commander Réf : 13774 |
MERRIMAN A. 484 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2011 |
Egyptian Watercraft Models from the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods. BAR International Series 2263 |
78.00 € Commander Réf : 14988 |
MERRIMAN A. 484 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2011 |
Egyptian Watercraft Models from the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods. BAR International Series 2263 |
78.00 € Commander Réf : 14988 |
METCALFE R. 357 p, 20,5 x 27,5 cm, broché OXFORD 2023 |
The Archaeological Survey of Nubia Season 2 (1908-9). Report on the Human Remains |
69.00 € Commander Réf : 19401 |
METCALFE R., COCKITT J., DAVID R. 169 p, 17,5 x 24,5 cm, broché OXFORD 2014 |
Palaeopathology in Egypt and Nubia. A century in review. Archaeopress Egyptology 6 |
36.00 € Commander Réf : 16546 |