WEISS L. (Ed.) 100p, 21 x 28 cm, broché LEIDEN 2018 |
The Coffins of the Priests of Amun: Egyptian coffins from the 21st Dynasty in the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden |
39.00 € Commander Réf : 17551 |
WEN J. p, 16 x 24 cm, relié LEIDEN 2022 |
The Iconography of Family Members in Egypt's Elite Tombs of the Old Kingdom. Harvard Egyptological Studies, Volume: 19
167.00 € Commander Réf : 18925 |
WENIG S. 152 p, 15 x 21 cm, broché LONDRES 2015 |
Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der Darstellungen der meroitischen Königsfamilieund zu Fragen der Chronologie des Reiches von Meroe. (IBAES XVII) |
32.00 € Commander Réf : 16714 |
WENKE R., REDDING R. 477 p, 22 x 29 cm, relié ATLANTA 2015 |
Kom el-Hisn (ca. 25001900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in Nile Delta |
108.00 € Commander Réf : 16780 |
WHELAN P. 142 p, 9 pl, 21 x 29,5 cm, broché LONDRES 2007 |
Mere Scraps of Rough Wood ? 17th - 18th Dynasty Stick Shabti in the Petrie Museum and Other Collection |
35.00 € Commander Réf : 12875 |
WIDMAIER K. 669 p, 16 x 24 cm, relié LEIDEN 2017 |
Bilderwelten: Ägyptische Bilder und ägyptologische Kunst. Vorarbeiten für eine bildwissenschaftliche Ägyptologie (Probleme der Ägyptologie 35) |
139.00 € Commander Réf : 17532 |
WILKINSON R. (Ed.) 145 p, 16,5 x 24 cm, relié OXFORD 2012 |
Tausret. Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt |
48.00 € Commander Réf : 15418 |
WILLEMS H. 551 p, 52 pl, 22 x 30,5 cm, relié LOUVAIN 1996 |
The Coffin of Heqata (Cairo JdE 36418). A Case of Egyptian Funerary Culture of the Early Middle Kingdom. OLA 70 |
85.00 € Commander Réf : 3659 |
WILLIAMSON J. Vol.1: 224 p, Vol.2: 212 p, 16,5 x 24,5 cm, relié LEIDEN 2016 |
Nefertiti's Sun Temple (2 vols.). A New Cult Complex at Tell el-Amarna |
198.00 € Commander Réf : 17277 |
WILSON K.A. 226 p, 18 x 23 cm, broché BALTIMORE 2001 |
The Campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq I into Palestine. UMI Dissertation Services |
89.00 € Commander Réf : 10109 |
WINCHELL F. 223 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2013 |
The Butana Group Ceramics and their Place in the Neolithic and Post-Neolithic of Northeast Africa. BAR International Series 2459 |
59.00 € Commander Réf : 15799 |
WOJCIECHOWSKA A. 172 p, 17,5 x 24,5 cm, broché WIESBADEN 2016 |
From Amyrtaeus to Ptolemy. Egypt in the Fourth century B.C. Philippika 97 |
52.00 € Commander Réf : 17239 |
WOJCIECHOWSKA A. XII, 224 p, 17 x 24 cm, relié WIESBADEN 2024 |
Metropoleis in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt from the early Ptolemaic Age to Septimius Severus. Philippika 170 |
64.00 € Commander Réf : 19519 |
XEKALAKI G. 362 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché OXFORD 2011 |
Symbolism in the Representation of Royal Children during the New Kingdom. BAR International Series 2314 |
68.00 € Commander Réf : 15149 |
XIA N. 173 p, 21,5 x 28,5 cm, relié HEIDELBERG 2014 |
Ancient Egyptian Beads |
119.00 € Commander Réf : 16496 |
ZAGO S. xxviii,491 p, 22 x 28,5 cm, relié ATLANTA 2022 |
A Journey through the Beyond. The Development of the Concept of Duat and Related Cosmological Notions in Egyptian Funerary Literature. Material and Visual Culture of Ancient Egypt, 7 |
95.00 € Commander Réf : 18435 |
ZECCHI M. 151 p, 17 x 24 cm, broché IMOLA 2000 |
Prosopografia dei sacerdoti del Fayyum. Dall'Antico Regno al IV a.c. |
28.00 € Commander Réf : 8970 |